Today, I had the pleasure of riding along in Purdue Aviation’s Cessna “Top Hawk” 172. I took my camera with, here’s a few of my shots!

Note: All photography in the blog is my own, unless otherwise linked/noted, please attribute my work properly if you decide to share on social media.

Thanks to my good friend Tom Crockett, who was being given the flight, for inviting me along for the ride – I hadn’t flown in awhile, it really was a treat and a great way to spend the morning on a Friday!

The flight began around noon as we pulled the aircraft out of Hangar 6 at the Purdue University Airport and taxiied out to Runway 5 for departure.

My grandpa was my flight instructor when I got my private pilot’s license, and I learned to fly in a Cessna 150. One of the first things I noticed while in the 172, was how similar it is to the 150, albeit larger in every aspect – I was surprised how similar it was.

Our pilot was world-renowned airman, Christopher John Konecnik, who did a wonderful job, White County (where we did a quick touch-n-go) is a North-South runway setup, and we had an 11 gusting 13mph crosswind that he handled expertly. Being a pilot myself, I fully understand the difficultly that is to handle and was genuinely impressed while at the same time not surprised with a pilot like Chris – if that’s possible.

I made this picture of him during our run up.

It really was a beautiful day, sunny blue-scattered skies and we were about to go flying.

After completing the run-up, a quick 10 minute wait due to landing traffic, and a few departing Purdue Aviation SR20s in front of us – we were cleared for takeoff Runway 5.

There was a group ready to go behind us as well, just another day at the airport 🙂

Up, up, and away – we lifted off and flew right over campus which is always both an incredible view and an amazing feeling, looking down on it from above.

While this isn’t my first time flying over campus, it was my first time departing over campus. I have landed runway 23 before, but it always amazes me the sea of red bricks/roofs you have a view of when arriving/departing the field.

Not to spoil my September 2016 edition of Purdue Wallpapers, I will share some of my shots from the flight up to White County Airport and back – and maybe one or two of my favorites as we flew over campus.

The Purdue Water Tower is currently being repainted, had to get an update shot of it on the climb out.

Turned the other way, and there was the Sagamore Bridge that was brought down earlier this summer here in Lafayette.

After a few short minutes of gazing out the window, we were already at the Wind Turbines north of campus, lining Interstate 65 weaving through the corn and soybean fields.

A cool looking cloud, because it was just a beautiful day.

A lone turbine at the southeastern tip of the group.

Then, a sea of turbines.

Ducks in a row.

A quick loop around Indiana Beach – throwback to Saint Paul Elementary School trips here.

After a quick stop at White County Airport, we were back on the ground in Lafayette.

Taxiing in, the way the clouds were positioned and their illumination backdropping the control tower and adjacent hangar made for a great photo op.

Next up:

Sunday September 4th I will be releasing my 2nd installment of “Purdue Monthly Wallpapers” and am very excited for this group.

Here is one shot that I really liked from today’s flight that I will be including in the gallery.

Stay tuned on Sunday for my 2nd edition!

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